Paper stuff — Whatman Deckle & Mould RSS

Whatman Deckle & Mould

I've been gifted a deckle and mould (yeah, I know!!!) which is a piece of paper making equipment.It's not for sale and never will be (BECAUSE I LOVE IT!!!!)  but I thought it'd be an opportunity to show it and share it with you and explain what it does if you don't already know. For those of you that do know, hope you enjoy the pics! This is a pretty big deckle and mould (1175 x 450 mm). It's a piece of equipment used to make paper by hand.A deckle and mould is a wooden frame with a metal mesh bed. From the serial number on the mould we can see when it was manufactured: September 1916. W&R Balston the company who made...

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